Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lego My Ego

Last night, I randomly happened to come across information regarding Self-referral and Object-referral.

We often define ourselves by things that are outside of us: I am a student. I have many friends. I am rich. I am tired. I went to the store. I bought some eggs. In all of these examples, the "I" is being defined by external circumstances. This is object-referral.

It becomes difficult when we solely operate from this perspective because we seek constant approval from others. We are always anticipating a response to situations, circumstances, people, and things.

I acknowledge that one of my greatest flaws is letting my own ego get the best of me, feeling an intense need to control things.

The ego becomes an internal reference point, but the ego is not who we truly are. The ego is a self-image or a social mask, and it thrives on approval because it lives in fear of rejection.

The true Self is free of these things.

Money, friends, power, etc. all bring us a temporary joy or high, but this will only last as long as those objects are around.

Self-power is permanent because it is knowledge of the Self.

Everything around you is in a state of decay, even your own body. Life is transient, and we will all one day lose many of the physical things we cherish. Therefore, we should take time to cultivate our awareness of the Self, our Soul, for that is the source of permanent contentment.

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