Thursday, August 20, 2009

Feel the Love!

Hugs are one of the greatest miracles in life! Think about it ever possible to give a hug without receiving one?

Normally, hugs are used as a greeting or a sign to show our love or compassion for one another. Just like a hug, when we send out love, we also receive it.

When we perform acts of giving and kindness for our fellow human beings, we can't help but feel good about ourselves.

In essence, we are all derived from One source, be that source God, the universe, etc; therefore, when we love one another, we are actually loving ourselves.

At the end of yoga, we always say, "Namaste." The word Namaste is usually roughly translated to mean "The light within me honors the light within you."

Check out the Free Hugs Campaign website for an awesome video and the story of how the campaign first began.

Sometimes the simplest of actions can have the biggest impact in a person's life.

Namaste friends. :)

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