Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Source

It's almost Christmas!

The past few days have been filled with shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Why? For presents, presents, presents of course!

We enjoy buying gifts for the ones we love, and let's all be honest, we love receiving gifts too. We delight in seeing the eyes of a young child light up as he or she opens up colorfully wrapped boxes on Christmas morning.

If only the act of giving could be carried on throughout the year...
If only we could maintain that level of joy and excitement with EVERY gift we are given, regardless if it's wrapped in a bow or not...

Happiness is something that comes from within. It cannot be found outside of yourself. I have always found this concept to be very interesting.

For example, the sun would have no warmth without your skin. YOU are the creator of warmth within yourself (thanks to fancy receptors in your skin, of course). A flower would have no scent, unless you were there to smell it. YOU are the creator of the smell within yourself.

Both the sun and the flower, in this example, are not separate entities; they combine into one being through the actions and observations in the PRESENT moment. Present...get it? Gift? Ho ho ho

So be in the present...always, and be thankful for everything because everything truly is a gift from the divine...

...or it could be a gift from Oprah.

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