Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It's been a long while since I've posted.

Preparing for the gauntlet of tests has been taking up most of my time, and with that, I feel as though I've lost sight of many things.

Take a look at what I call the "chalkboard of my life." For one week, I would write down random words, phrases, events, and images that would pop into my head. Such documentation is only a fraction of the thoughts and ideas our brain processes every day! But I'll save talk of this for another entry...

I was asked an interesting question yesterday. "What do you need to give up in order to experience peace?"

From the above image, my mind seems to be anything but peaceful. Not surprisingly, the common thread among many of those scribbles involves things that are school related.

That gave rise to numerous questions... Would I really be willing to give up school in exchange for peace? Would that solve the problem, or only create more problems? Would I be quitting just because it's challenging? What are the pros and cons of such a decision? Is there an alternative?

At many points in our life, I believe we doubt ourselves and our abilities. We wonder if we are on the right path, if we are making an impact in society.

It is my opinion that a certain level of doubt is actually quite healthy. It shows that we are thinking; we are conscious of the changes that are occurring in our mind and in our lives. Doubt shows a willingness to observe a possible change of course in action. It is a sign that we are human.

"Aim with your heart, adjust with your head, and always, always, always, do all you can."

Regardless of the situation, peace is always just a breath away.

Time to wipe the slate clean.


Estelle said...

It is interesting that the person who asked you that question was so insistent upon giving something up in order to obtain peace.
Personally, I believe that peace is more intrinsic.

Kelly said...

Thanks for the feedback Firefly! ^_^ I agree with you that peace is intrinsic. The other person wasn't necessarily insisting that I give up something in order to find peace, he was merely suggesting that sometimes we let things outside of ourselves cloud our sense of the peace that is always present within us.

P.S. Nursing students are awesome, and your blog seems pretty cool! ;)