Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Attention Deficit Disorder...is it possible to escape?

I feel like the older I get, the more ADD I become. Thoughts, hopes, desires, the media, the past, the future, teachers, bosses, parents, friends, activities and events...all of these things vying for our attention. How is it possible to keep up with it all!?

One of my worst habits is scarfing down food. I can eat four orders of sushi in under 10 minutes! Well...I actually haven't timed myself, and I don't particularly care to try that experiment. Point is...I do eat fast.

I think we tend to do many things at a fast pace so we can hurry up and get to the next 'event' looming over us. As a result, we're often cruising through life on autopilot, mindlessly existing through one event until we get to the next.

It is important to take time to enjoy where we are...here and now. Take time, and appreciate the flavor of your food. Recognize the hardness of the ground with every step you take. Acknowledge the sensations of inhaling and exhaling and simply being alive!

All is beautiful when we take time to appreciate it with awareness.

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